суббота, 30 декабря 2017 г.

How To Build A Wooden Pallet Adirondack Chair (Step-By-Step Tutorial) - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 30 of 75 - DIY Crafts

How To Build A Wooden Pallet Adirondack Chair (Step-By-Step Tutorial) - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 30 of 75 - DIY Crafts

Original article and pictures take https://diycraftsy.com site

Beautiful Bookshelf out of Pallets!

Beautiful Bookshelf out of Pallets!

Original article and pictures take https://1001pallets.com site

15 Easy DIY Pallet Projects That Anyone Can Do It More

15 Easy DIY Pallet Projects That Anyone Can Do It More

Original article and pictures take https://theartinlife.com site

How to Dismantle a Pallet Without a Saw.

How to Dismantle a Pallet Without a Saw.

Original article and pictures take https://m.instructables.com site

How to Make Your Own DIY Pallet Headboard - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 36 of 75 - DIY Crafts

How to Make Your Own DIY Pallet Headboard - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 36 of 75 - DIY Crafts

Original article and pictures take https://diycraftsy.com site

среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Pallet corner desk

Pallet corner desk

Original article and pictures take https://homedit.com site

We love pallet furniture! :) This was our first pallet project and sure not the last. Make your own pallet coffee table too! We created this cute table into our livingroom, and love it. I hope this video will motivate you to do it yourself :)

We love pallet furniture! :) This was our first pallet project and sure not the last. Make your own pallet coffee table too! We created this cute table into our livingroom, and love it. I hope this video will motivate you to do it yourself :)

Original article and pictures take https://1001pallets.com site

30 DIY Pallet Projects You Must Try

30 DIY Pallet Projects You Must Try

Original article and pictures take https://ritely.com site

понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

Make a Joy to the World pallet for your front porch for Christmas! An easy diy pallet project . More painting projects at www.themagicbrush...

Make a Joy to the World pallet for your front porch for Christmas! An easy diy pallet project . More painting projects at www.themagicbrush...

Original article and pictures take https://themagicbrushinc.com site

Pallet kitchen garbage and recycle. Great idea!

Pallet kitchen garbage and recycle. Great idea!

Original article and pictures take https://1001pallets.com site

Beautiful Handmade Pallet American Flag - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 40 of 75 - DIY Crafts

Beautiful Handmade Pallet American Flag - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 40 of 75 - DIY Crafts

Original article and pictures take https://diycraftsy.com site

Ultimate guide video tutorials on how to whitewash wood & create beautiful whitewashed floors, walls and furniture using pine, pallet or reclaimed wood. | apieceofrainbow.com

Ultimate guide video tutorials on how to whitewash wood & create beautiful whitewashed floors, walls and furniture using pine, pallet or reclaimed wood. | apieceofrainbow.com

Original article and pictures take https://apieceofrainbow.com site

Easy And Creative Diy Pallet Project Home Decor Ideas 11 #easyhomedecordiy

Easy And Creative Diy Pallet Project Home Decor Ideas 11 #easyhomedecordiy

Original article and pictures take https://trendecorist.com site

суббота, 9 декабря 2017 г.

DIY Accent Wooden Pallet Wall Tutorial - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 27 of 75 - DIY Crafts

DIY Accent Wooden Pallet Wall Tutorial - 150 Best DIY Pallet Projects and Pallet Furniture Crafts - Page 27 of 75 - DIY Crafts

Original article and pictures take https://diycraftsy.com site

Pallet Project: make a trunk out of an upcycled pallet or reclaimed wood - this would make a great toy box! Description from pinterest.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images

Pallet Project: make a trunk out of an upcycled pallet or reclaimed wood - this would make a great toy box! Description from pinterest.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images

Original article and pictures take https://99pallets.com site

Best DIY Projects: Free Standing Pallet Herb Garden Tutorial

Best DIY Projects: Free Standing Pallet Herb Garden Tutorial

Original article and pictures take https://bestdiyprojectskz.blogspot.co.il site

#Bar, #PalletStool, #RecycledPallet

#Bar, #PalletStool, #RecycledPallet

Original article and pictures take https://1001pallets.com site

вторник, 28 ноября 2017 г.

105 Wood Pallet Projects and Ideas | Tips For Women - Part 7

105 Wood Pallet Projects and Ideas | Tips For Women - Part 7

Original article and pictures take https://tips-for-women.com site

#Labola loves DIY projects. Watch this space for more DIY tips. #Labola.co.za or find us on Facebook under Labola Decor Hire And Flowers.

#Labola loves DIY projects. Watch this space for more DIY tips. #Labola.co.za or find us on Facebook under Labola Decor Hire And Flowers.

Original article and pictures take https://architecturendesign.net site

Pallet Projects | some general principles that apply to almost every pallet project

Pallet Projects | some general principles that apply to almost every pallet project

Original article and pictures take https://starvingthemonkeys.com site

Love this Garden Lounger

Love this Garden Lounger

Original article and pictures take https://nobiggie.net site

Pallet Idea

Pallet Idea

Original article and pictures take https://alittlebitofthisthatandeverything.blogspot.com site